ORE ID: Your seamless Web3 onboarding solution

ORE ID provides your players with an easy and secure way to create and manage their blockchain accounts, without the need for them to remember complex information or private keys. This simplifies the process of onboarding new players and increases the chances that they will stay engaged with your game.

  • Drive engagement and Revenue
  • Increase value for users
  • Get secure infrastructure and compliance

ORE ID is currently designed to integrate with the Unity development environment via API’s. We will confirm that your application is on one ORE ID’s supported Blockchains [EVM - Ethereum, Avalanche C-Chain, TELOS - EVM, Polygon or EOSIO - EOS, WAX, Telos Native]. Once that is done we will send you access to the ORE ID APIs. The AIKON team will also provide access documentation, and some support to help you get up and running quickly.

Fill out this form to contact us for your customized solutions.

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