Building a production-ready multiplayer game with Unity
[Level: Intermediate – Advanced]
If you’re looking to build a small-scale cooperative multiplayer game with Unity, join us for this four-part series with our Multiplayer team! We’ll dive into the Boss Room sample to explore building a production-ready multiplayer game with Unity and Netcode for GameObjects.
The four webinar sessions will cover the following topics:
- Episode 1: Game implementation with Boss Room
- Episode 2: Game implementation with Boss Room part two
- Episode 3: Making your game resilient to your players
- Episode 4: Bandwidth optimizations and game dev processes
Note: It’s recommended that you have some working knowledge of networking theory (e.g. familiar with P2P networks VS client-server model, RPCs, etc) before participating in this webinar series. Beginners can check out our Introduction to NGO video here.
Looking for more information in the meantime? Check out our pages on NGO, Boss Room, our documentation, and our Discord to chat with our team.