Unity for Games

The hidden productivity costs disrupting your release timelines

How many times in the past month have you had to drop what you’re doing and spring into action to solve an urgent problem that needs a fix right now?

One of the most common game development pitfalls is letting small, seemingly inconsequential inefficiencies snowball into bigger issues. When your flow state is interrupted multiple times a day – whether it’s waiting for a project file to download or solving yet another merge conflict – that’s when things start falling through the cracks.

In this e-book, we’ve collected insights from our product and engineering teams on three silent killers of productivity that are holding studios back from doing what they do best: creating.

Download this e-book to learn:

  • How to solve the challenges of parallel development
  • Why using redundant tools and silos doubles your work without any payoff
  • How to manage large files and binaries while minimizing wait time
  • Which solutions you can implement to solve these issues and work more efficiently

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