
Unity for Games

Building an Empire: How Paradox and Romero Games are using Unity

How Unity equipped Paradox Interactive with the technical advice and expertise they needed to make an excellent game

Every game developer wants more resources to call on to ensure their games look and play their best. But the realities of being a small studio sometimes get in the way of that.

Unity Integrated Success Services (ISS) solves this challenge by enabling publishers to allocate Unity services among their partners to help them meet their specific needs, goals, and timelines at each point of the development process.

While developing Empire of Sin, ISS became an extension of the Romero Games team. From development through release, they provided guidance in best practices and advocated for the studio’s needs within Unity to help ensure that the creators’ vision was fully realized in Empire of Sin.

“ISS gives the development team the best possible support so they can achieve their vision for the game, and at Paradox we want to do whatever we can to support the development team [to] reach their goals.”— Ali Hassoon, Producer, Paradox Interactive


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