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We published a wealth of new data and insights in 2021 to help you understand the fast changing game industry landscape.

Toxicity in Games

Toxic behavior and malicious players can cause immense damage to a player base and success of a game, potentially even harming a studio’s entire reputation. Dive into how its affecting gamer behaviour in this report.

Cross-platform games

Multiplayer gaming is bigger than ever, and with that growth has come a longing for greater cross-platform accessibility. Get insight on the rising demand for games that are easier to play with friends!

2021 gaming report

Get a holistic view of how gaming habits and publisher success changed throughout the year of 2020.

Learning resources

Development is only half the battle - first comes knowledge. These articles cover the concepts behind our multiplayer tools.

How to scale with Multiplay

Get a rundown on how the scaling technology in Multiplay will work to your studio's advantage.

Enter the Boss Room

Explore our small-scale, cooperative RPG to teach you the underlying patterns of a multiplayer game.

8 factors of multiplayer game dev

To create a multiplayer experience, you must first understand the goals for each of the eight core development factors.

Netcode Facts & Fiction

Read about some common Netcode myths so you can plan out your next multiplayer game in confidence!

Empower great multiplayer experiences

Introducing our new multiplayer connection services, Relay and Lobby, and a sample project to learn hands-on.

Learning resources

Development is only half the battle - first comes knowledge. These articles cover the concepts behind our multiplayer tools.

How to scale with Multiplay

Get a rundown on how the scaling technology in Multiplay will work to your studio's advantage.

Enter the Boss Room

Explore our small-scale, cooperative RPG to teach you the underlying patterns of a multiplayer game.

8 factors of multiplayer game dev

To create a multiplayer experience, you must first understand the goals for each of the eight core development factors.

Netcode Facts & Fiction

Read about some common Netcode myths so you can plan out your next multiplayer game in confidence!

Empower great multiplayer experiences

Introducing our new multiplayer connection services, Relay and Lobby, and a sample project to learn hands-on.

Developer stories

Check out these stories to learn more about how you can replicate the success of these hit multiplayer titles.


Learn how Velan's Knockout City made it big while dodging backend work with Unity.

Rainbow Six Siege

Why and how the Rainbow Six Siege team puts their confidence in Vivox for voice communications.

Medal of Honor

How Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond went confidently into battle with Unity.


Find out how Pineleaf Studio used Unity Multiplayer Services to bring Dwarfheim to life.

Developer stories

Check out these stories to learn more about how you can replicate the success of these hit multiplayer titles.


Learn how Velan's Knockout City made it big while dodging backend work with Unity.

Rainbow Six Siege

Why and how the Rainbow Six Siege team puts their confidence in Vivox for voice communications.

Medal of Honor

How Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond went confidently into battle with Unity.


Find out how Pineleaf Studio used Unity Multiplayer Services to bring Dwarfheim to life.

New Multiplayer tools

Multiplayer games have changed drastically over the last few decades – that's why we've added more tools to empower you to build and launch your own online games.

Netcode for GameObjects

Build a reliable, GameObject-based multiplayer framework.

Relay (Beta)

Connect players with secure peer-to-peer networking.

Lobby (Beta)

Empower great gaming sessions with private and public lobbies.

Build your next multiplayer hit

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Get in touch to see how our multiplayer tech stack can help you build and deliver the next big multiplayer game