Sign up for Unity Safety beta

Reduce toxicity, reduce churn.

Get the insights you need to take action and tackle in-game toxicity with our Safety solutions.

Safe Voice: AI-powered toxicity detection (now in open beta)
Key benefits:

  • Customizable toxicity coverage that’s proactive and player-initiated, so it’s as unique as your community
  • Native integration with Vivox Voice Chat
  • Actionable insights for informed decision making

Moderation: All-in-one moderation platform (in closed beta)
Key benefits:

  • Built-in integration with Safe Voice: Make confident moderation decisions with integrated evidence
  • Incident management workflow: Organize, prioritize, assign, and resolve incidents, all in one place
  • Safety analytics: Get a broad view of all sanctions, reports, and player actions in your game
  • Player history: Access historical behavior patterns from reporters and offenders

Join the Safety beta today to start building a thriving and harmonious gaming community.

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