Want to be notified of when Multiplay’s dedicated game server hosting and rule-based Matchmaker become available? Sign up to get the announcement straight to your inbox!
Multiplay's dedicated game hosting will provide:
A guided self-serve experience to help developers on how to get up and running fast and through the nuances of setting up a dedicated game server.
An engine agnostic solution designed from the ground up to host games built in most engines, providing immersive experiences to players on most platforms across the globe.
Easy integration with Unity and Unreal engine packages to standardize integrating game server runtime with Multiplay and Matchmaker.
Matchmaker will provide you with:
A guided self-serve experience to allow easy configuration of game modes with queues and player segmentation with pools.
Flexibility to group players together based on the game design goals, such as skill, experience, toxicity, party-size, roles, etc.
Simple server allocation that interops directly with Multiplay to enable the fastest way to get up and running on server allocation management.
Fill out the form to get notified when these products go live. Want to learn more about these services? Check out our Unity Gaming Services page.
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